Type 2 Diabetes
- Posted by Lele M
- On 22/02/2018
- T2DM, type 2 diabetes
We all know now that Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) has attained epidemic proportions around the world. While it is undoubtedly closely linked to the rising rates of obesity, there is good reason to question the long-held view that obesity is the cause of T2DM. It may well be that the driver of T2DM – insulin resistance – is also the driver of obesity.
We desperately need better treatments for insulin resistance. While everyone with T2DM knows the immediate problem is one of controlling blood sugar, not all are aware that the traditional medications for controlling blood sugar do not alter the risk of the long-term problems. For this we probably need new treatments acting directly on insulin resistance.
If we are to successfully reduce the risk of heart disease, strokes, amputations, eye problems and kidney failure, we need new and better medications than metformin, sulphonylureas and insulin. Unfortunately, these remain the mainstay of funded medications for T2DM in New Zealand.
There is a plethora of new medications under clinical trial in NZ and around the world which, when added to existing funded treatments, can not only improve blood sugar control but which may actually alter the risk of long term complications. All those with T2DM should be encouraged to participate in some of these clinical trials. Only in that way may they bring greater benefit to themselves, but also to future sufferers of the disease.
P3 Research is currently involved in a range of clinical trials in those with T2DM at all three of our sites. Check out the Current Studies pages for our Wellington, Tauranga and Hawke’s Bay units, to see if you would be prepared to participate.